à ne pas montrer aux jeunes enfants !
(encore que...)
Mon traducteur refuse de traduire : vous allez être obligé d'imiter notre jeune Président qui parle (et lit) Anglais couramment : voici l'original : Nelson Shanks, né en 1937, année de l'exposition universelle de Paris, est le peintre de Madame Tatcher, de Regan ; Clinton, le pape... sans omettre Lady Diana et sa célèbre bague ornée d'un véritable saphir :

Nelson Shanks American painter
-1937-2015, has served as professor at the University of the Arts and as
distinguished visiting professor in Fine Arts at George Washington University
in Washington, D.C. and conducted seminars at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine
Arts and the New York Academy of Art and numerous universities. He has taught
at the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League in New York, the
Art Institute of Chicago, and Memphis Academy of Arts and the Robert and Mary
Montgomery Armory Art Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Arcadia University
awarded him a Ph.D. in Fine Arts. "Advanced painting workshops taught by
Nelson Shanks attract hundreds of artists from across the country." [Arts
& Antiques, Summer 1997] He is clearly one of the most sought after
teachers in the world and founder of the post-graduate school, Studio
Vous devinez que s'étant lui-même attardé sur de très jolies dames en petite tenue, elles aient attiré l'attention du public ...et la mienne par voie de conséquence :

In Italy, he studied at the
Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence and with Pietro Annigoni. He traveled and
studied extensively throughout Europe. He has received grants: the Greenshields
Foundation (twice) and the Stacey Foundation (three times) between l96l and
l974. Earlier he studied at the University of Kansas and the Kansas City Art
Institute with Wilbur Niewald and in New York at the National Academy of Design
and The Art Students League with Ivan Olinsky, Robert Brackman, Edwin Dickinson
and privately with John Koch and Henry Hensche.
Nelson Shanks, world-renowned
painter, art historian, art teacher, connoisseur and collector, distilled the
principles upon which Studio Incamminati stands from his lifelong experience
and devotion to fine arts. Nelson, and his wife Leona Shanks, founded Studio
Incamminati to provide a place where artists devoted to realism could study
painting and acquire other skills necessary for successful artistic careers.
When Nelson set out to become a painter, he pieced together his own education
and training from the limited options available for the study of realist
painting. As an 18-year-old student at New York’s famed Art Students League, he
earned his tuition by serving as a monitor in the classes of artists such as
Robert Brackman, Ivan Olinsky and Edwin Dickinson. Established painters such as
John Koch took him on as a private student and provided substantial material as
well as spiritual support of his dreams and aspirations.
je tente de me rattraper, avec le pape :
pardonne-nous nos péchés....
...on dira que c'est Eve !
à moins que ce soit Salomé :